

For individuals and families

Making the decision to undergo a neurodiversity assessment for yourself or your child is a big decision and can be daunting. You may well have had the idea for a long time and finally feel that this is the point to get clarification. We are here to help you understand the process and feel confident in the decision which you make. We know that you need to feel heard and understood.


Our assessment for adults, children and young people aims to identify the individuals’ strengths, needs and the presenting concerns. We work with individuals and families to think about how best to support and move forwards through individualised recommendations to enable people to assess their environment and thrive.

Our services for children and young people:

Initial strengths-based assessment (child): £500

This is an initial assessment with a neurodiversity specialist to ascertain specific areas of strengths and needs. This is an opportunity to understand what is working well and where there are difficulties or concerns. Together, we consider whether further diagnostic assessment or therapeutic input is warranted, and make recommendations for you to move forwards as a family. Alternatively for people where the diagnosis is already established, this strengths-based assessment can provide support at times of change in functioning or circumstance. 

This assessment usually takes 1.5 hours and feedback is given within the session.  A summary report with recommendations is provided. Please note this is not a diagnostic assessment.

Please see our Therapy pages to see what further support may be available following assessment.

Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) diagnostic assessment - child & young person: £1,950

An autism assessment can help identify and understand your child's individual profile and provide guidance and support to help them reach their potential.

If you think your child may be autistic and you would like information or an assessment, we can help to talk through the options. Please complete our initial consultation request on our website to speak with one of our team.

It's important to get an assessment with a qualified professional who is trained and experienced in diagnosing autism to ensure they consider all aspects of your child’s life and other conditions that may be present.

The ‘gold-standard’ approach to diagnosing autism in children is to have a multi-disciplinary approach which ensures a comprehensive and objective assessment. Our autism assessments use evidence-approved recommendations and we follow the NICE guidelines.

Clinical appointment with the parent(s)/carer - this is your first appointment with your allocated case manager. Your case manager is your point of contact throughout your assessment journey. We find out more information about you as a family, your child's development and answer any questions you may have about the assessment.

Pre-assessment questionnaires – We will ask you and your child’s school to complete some important forms to understand how your child behaves in different environments and what challenges they experience.

Additional information - With your consent, we also ask for feedback from other professionals who know your child. We may also ask to review any previous professional and school reports to build up an understanding of your child over time.

Appointment for your child your child will meet with a specialist clinician who will spend time with them, using toys, games and conversation to understand how your child sees the world. Whilst it should be a fun experience for your child, the clinician will use evidence-based and approved screening tools to assess your child against the criteria relevant to autism. The assessment session is modified depending on your child's age and stage of development.

Appointment for parent(s)/carer – We use the 3Di / ADI-R standardised developmental interview which is a detailed measure of social communication and autistic traits. This part of the assessment can be completed online or in clinic.

Diagnostic report – following your appointments the multidisciplinary team discuss all of the information that has been gathered throughout. Your case manager will give you a feedback call following this (usually within 2 weeks).

A full and comprehensive report is written, with a formulation and diagnosis (where one can be made) and recommendations and resources.

Feedback appointment – Once you have received your assessment report, we have a 1-hour online feedback session to review the assessment, report and most importantly the recommendations to take forward. This is an opportunity for us to talk through the assessment report in detail and offer much needed space for all of the ‘what next’ questions and ongoing support.   

If additional feed-back sessions or other follow-up support is required, this can be arranged at additional cost. In some instances, further assessment may be required depending on the complexity and level of functioning (e.g. school observation or cognitive assessment). Your case manager will keep you updated throughout your assessment journey.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnostic assessment - child & young person: £1,150

ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental condition that can affect people of all ages.  With support and the right intervention, children and young people can successfully develop understanding and strategies to thrive and live fulfilling lives.

An ADHD assessment is the key to better daily functioning and effective treatment options such as therapy and lifestyle adjustments.

We have a medication clinic within our team. If medication is considered appropriate we can provide onward support and next steps with our psychiatrist.

This assessment is suitable for children where ADHD is suspected. Undergoing assessment not only helps clarify a young person’s specific areas of strength and need, but also allows those around them to make sense of their behaviour. This is important for allowing young people to progress and build their self-esteem. 

Pre-assessment questionnaires – we will ask you to complete important forms to understand how your child behaves in different environments and what challenges they experience.

Clinical appointment with the parent(s)/carer - a key part of the assessment is understanding your child’s development. We find out more information about you as a family and answer any questions you may have about the assessment. This session is with your Case Manager who is your point of contact throughout your assessment journey.

Appointment for your child - we complete gold standard measures, the QbCheck (an objective computerised measure of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity) and a well-being assessment.

Appointment with parents / carers - to find out about your child’s developmental history and any current concerns. We will complete standardised measures of attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. 

Pre-assessment forms for the nursery/school and other professionals - this gives us information about how your child manages and behaves in different environments and highlights any areas of particular need and strength which they demonstrate. 

Feedback from other professionals is requested with consent from you. It is helpful to include any previous assessments or information to add to our understanding of your child.

Diagnostic report – following your appointments the multidisciplinary team will look through all of the information which has been gathered. Clinicians will then write everything up into a full and comprehensive report with recommendations.

Feedback appointment – In the 1-hour online feedback session your comprehensive report will be discussed with you as an opportunity for us to talk through the assessment report in detail and offer much needed space for all of the ‘what next’ questions and ongoing support. 

If additional feed-back sessions or other follow-up supports are required, this can be arranged at additional cost. In some instances, further assessment may be required depending on the complexity and level of functioning. 

Cognitive assessment: £650

Our psychologists use age-appropriate standardised measures to clarify areas of strength and difficulty across different aspects of how an individual is functioning.

Assessment can be useful for ensuring needs are met in education or employment - whether by seeking extra support in areas of need or for support for Gifted and Talented individuals. We may wish to obtain feedback from school/education placements but this will be discussed with you first.

The assessment lasts around 1.5-2 hours followed by a 30 minute feedback session. A detailed report is provided.

Speech & language assessment: £500

Assessment includes a clinical discussion of your child’s history, a brief observation and use of a standardised measure of speech and language (ACE). 

Our aim is to provide a comprehensive picture of communication strengths and needs, together with recommendations.  Using both a formal and informal assessment where appropriate, we gain an accurate picture of the child’s, or young person’s speech therapy needs and make recommendations to enable them to communicate in their environment. We will discuss possible next steps should you decide to proceed with therapy.

A detailed report is provided.

Dual assessment (ASC & ADHD) diagnostic assessment - child & young person: £2950

As our understanding of neurodiversity develops, we are more aware of the interplay between different neurodivergent presentations and the importance of identifying individual profiles. A dual assessment for autism and ADHD can help identify your child's specific areas of strength and need and provide guidance and support to help your child reach their potential. 

If you would like information about our assessment process or would like to have an initial consultation with one of our team, please complete our online enquiry form.

Clinical appointment with the parent(s)/carer - This is your first appointment with your allocated case manager. Your case manager is your point of contact throughout your assessment journey. We find out more information about you as a family, your child's development and answer any questions you may have about the assessment.

Pre-assessment questionnaires – We will ask you and your child’s school to complete important forms to understand how your child behaves in different environments and highlights any areas of particular need and strength which they demonstrate. 

Additional information - With your consent, we also ask for feedback from other professionals who know your child. We may also ask to review any previous professional and school reports to build up an understanding of your child over time.

Autism Appointment for your child / young person – your child will meet with a specialist clinician who will spend time with them, using toys, games and conversation to understand how your child sees the world. Whilst it should be a fun experience for your child, the clinician will use evidence-based and approved screening tools to assess your child against the criteria relevant to autism. The ADOS assessment is modified depending on the age and developmental stage of your child.

ADHD Appointment with the child / young person - your child will meet with a specialist clinician who will spend time with them to complete gold standard measures, including the DIVA-5 and the QbCheck (an objective computerised measure of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity) and a well-being assessment.

Autism Appointment for parent(s)/carer – We use the 3Di / ADI-R standardised developmental interview completed which is a measure of social communication and autistic traits. As part of the assessment we consider your child's mental health.

ADHD Appointment with parents / carers - We will complete a detailed developmental history to understand your child's historical and current patterns of attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. We also think with you about their executive functioning skills and mental health.

Diagnostic report – following your appointments the multidisciplinary team discuss all of the information that has been gathered throughout. Your case manager will give you a feedback call following this (usually within 2 weeks). A full and comprehensive report is written, with a formulation and diagnosis (where one can be made) and recommendations and resources.

Feedback appointment – Once you have received your assessment report, we have a 1-hour online feedback session to review the assessment, report and most importantly the recommendations to take forward. This is an opportunity for us to talk through the assessment report in detail and offer much needed space for all of the ‘what next’ questions and ongoing support.   

If additional feed-back sessions or other follow-up support is required, this can be arranged at additional cost. In some instances, further assessment may be required depending on the complexity and level of functioning (e.g. school observation o cognitive assessment). Your case manager will keep you updated throughout your assessment journey.

Psychiatry ADHD  Service for children and young people:

Psychiatry Assessment £400

An online assessment appointment for parents to talk through current situation relating to ADHD. Children are encouraged to be part of the appointment whilst young people, especially if above 16, should be part of the initial appointment and follow ups.

The appointment usually lasts 45 minutes, although children will not need to attend the full session.

A letter detailing your child’s suggested medication plan will be written to your GP. As part of the plan, an ECG may be requested as well as the monitoring of the child/young person weight, height, blood pressure and pulse. If medication is agreed as next steps, a prescription will be sent to you via recorded post.

As part of the monitor, we may ask for your child’s, weight, height, blood pressure and pulse at each stage of the process and record it, it is the parent Medication Guide 4 responsibility to keep a record of this and share it with the team and the doctor via email so that we have it on record.

Establishing the correct dose will depend on your child's response to the medication, whether they develop any side effects and on the individual sensitivity to medication. The medication will be started in small dose using the principle of minimum effective dose strategy, which is the minimum dose with “acceptable” improvement and minimal side effects is achieved.

Psychiatry Review £200

It’s important your child is carefully monitored during the initial stages of ‘titration’ (when the medication is started until the dose is stabilised). The frequency of the appointments may depend on your child's response to the medication and on whether your child develops side effects. Once an effective dose is achieved, the frequency of the appointment may not be as regular as when the medication is initially started.

Annual reviews, once your child is stable on a medication, it is important that your child receives physical checks (height, weight, blood pressure and heart rate) at least once a year (every 6 months is more common).

Our services for adults:

Initial strengths-based assessment: £600

This is an initial assessment with a neurodiversity specialist to ascertain your specific areas of strengths and needs. This is an opportunity to understand what is working well and where there are difficulties or concerns. Together, we consider whether further diagnostic assessment or therapeutic input is warranted, and make recommendations for you to move forwards.

Alternatively for people where the diagnosis is already established, this strengths-based assessment can provide support at times of change in functioning or circumstance (such as beginning a new job role). This assessment usually takes 1.5 hours and feedback is given within the session. 

A summary report with recommendations is provided. Please note this is not a diagnostic assessment.

Please see our Therapy pages to see what further support may be available following assessment.

Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) diagnostic assessment: £2,500

Making the decision to undergo a formal autism assessment is a significant step in understanding yourself. An assessment can help explain the patterns in life you may have found yourself repeating and answer questions you have been asking since childhood. It can provide clarity, support and direction. As autism is a lifelong condition, it is important to get the assessment right to provide you with understanding and control.

At Neurodiversity Unravelled, our assessment is a comprehensive package, designed to accurately assess and provide in-depth information about your individual strengths and needs regardless of whether a diagnosis is given.

If you think you may be autistic and you would like information or a diagnosis assessment, we can help with online support and face-to-face diagnosis. If you would like information or an assessment, please complete our online enquiry form and we will organise an initial call with one of our clinicians.

Clinical appointment - this is your first appointment with your allocated case manager. Your case manager is your point of contact throughout your assessment journey. We find out more information about you and your day to day life, aspects of education  and employment history, mental health and answer any questions you may have about the assessment.

Pre-assessment questionnaires – We will ask you to complete important forms and standardised measures of autistic traits and mental health.

Additional information - With your consent, we also ask for feedback from other professionals who know you. We may also ask to review any previous professional, employment and school reports to build up an understanding of you over time.

Autism specific developmental interview -  We meet with you online or face-to-face to complete a detailed interview regarding your social communication profile. We use the Autism Clinical Interview Adults (ACIA) semi-structured interview assessment.

Clinic assessment – We meet with you face to face in clinic to complete the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) as a structured way to assess social communication skills to provide qualitative information. 

Information from family member / friend / partner – Where possible, we gather information from someone who knows you well and may also have knowledge of your developmental stages.  

Diagnostic report – following your appointments the multidisciplinary team discuss all of the information that has been gathered throughout. Your case manager will give you a feedback call following this (usually within 2 weeks). A full and comprehensive report is written, with a formulation and diagnosis (where one can be made) and recommendations and resources.

Feedback appointment – Once you have received your assessment report, we have a 1-hour online feedback session to review the assessment, report and most importantly the recommendations to take forward. This is an opportunity for us to talk through the assessment report in detail and offer much needed space for all of the ‘what next’ questions and ongoing support.   

If additional feed-back sessions or other follow-up support is required, this can be arranged at additional cost. In some instances, further assessment may be required depending on the complexity and level of functioning. Your case manager will keep you updated throughout your assessment journey.

Please note that undergoing a diagnostic assessment does not mean that you will receive a diagnosis

We are committed to

Valuing Differences and Harnessing Strengths


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